Saturday, 31 January 2009
The Beauty Of Mathematics
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And finally, take a look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Eat Right, Live Well – Part 2
Part 2 – Food For Beauty
To nourish your skin well, dieticians recommend the following in your daily diet.
1. Water
Up to 60 per cent of your body is made up of water, so keeping adequately hydrated is essential for healthy skin as well as your general well-being.
By the time the feeling of thirst kicks in, you are already 2 percent dehydrated, so do remember to drink before you feel thirsty.
Water is naturally the best drink as it is also calorie-free. Other thirst-quenchers include low-fat milk and 100 per cent pure fruit juice. Although they are not calorie-free, they are also good sources of fluid.
2. Colourful fruit and vegetables
Your skin is especially sensitive to free radicals which are unstable compounds that can cause cell and tissue damage. By deteriorating the skin’s structure, damage from free radicals can lead to decreasing elasticity and premature wrinkling.
Antioxidants have the ability to neutralise free radicals and may thereby prevent damage to skin cells and tissue.
Antioxidants include vitamins C, E and A (in the form of beta-carotene), minerals like selenium and some polyphenols. They can be found naturally in a variety of foods, including fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains fish, poultry and some meats.
Fruits and vegetables, particularly the brightly coloured ones, contain the highest amounts of antioxidants.
While antioxidants are important for skin health, there is no single fruit or vegetable that can provide you with all the antioxidants you need.
More studies need to be done as there is not yet a recommended optimum dosage for each antioxidant. Thus, it is best to obtain your boost of antioxidants by eating a wide range of colourful fruit and vegetables.
3. Vitamin E-rich foods
It is one of the most researched antioxidant vitamins. Most studies agree it is effective in preventing the early stages of ultra-violet light damage and reducing the severity of sunburns.
You only need small amounts of vitamin E for good skin health and a balance diet should contain adequate amounts of the vitamin. Good sources include nuts, seeds, avocado, vegetable oils, wholegrains and fish. It is best to obtain E from a variety of foods instead of relying on a single source, as antioxidants work best by interacting with one another and with other nutrients. For example, vitamin E is needed for vitamin A to work well.
4. Protein foods
While much of the focus may be on fruits and vegetables when it comes to skin health, protein is also critical.
When digested, protein breaks down into amino acids that have the important task of forming the building blocks of most body structures, especially collagen, which connects and supports bodily tissues, such as skin, tendons and muscles. Collagen works with keratin – another strong protein – to give skin its strength and flexibility.
When a person ages, more collagen in the body breaks down and the reduced elasticity in the skin then leads to wrinkles. Having adequate protein – which can be found in poultry, fish, eggs and lean meat – in your diet is important for the body to be able to repair all its cells and continue to produce collagen.
5. Vitamin absorption
While applying skincare products is nourishing for the outer layers of our skin, the fact remains that vitamins and minerals applied to the surface of the skin do not work in the same way as when they are consumed. This is because digestion allows the vitamins and minerals to interact with other nutrients before they are converted to a form that the body can absorb and benefit from.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Sunday, 25 January 2009
The Mystery Gift
A young couple got married and went away on their honeymoon. After two weeks, they came back and finally put away all of the presents they received from friends and family. Since this was a new home, the process took some time.
A week later, they received in the mail two tickets for a popular show where tickets were impossible to get. They were very excited and warmed by the gesture of the person who sent this. Inside the envelope, however, was only a small piece of paper with a single line, “Guess who sent them.’’
The pair had much fun trying to identify the donor, but failed in the effort. They went to the theatre, and had a wonderful time. On their return home late at night, still trying to guess the identity of the unknown host, they found the house stripped of every article of value. And on the bare table in the dining room was a piece of paper on which was written in the same hand as the enclosure with the tickets: “Now you know!"
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Dangers and Benefits of Fear
While it is true that one should not let fear hold him back from duties and useful actions, we must remember that fear is a natural instinct and as such, is bound to have useful functions for the preservation of species and individuals. To understand this, we enumerate some of the emotions belonging to the fear complex: caution, apprehension, sense of danger, fright, terror and panic.
All of these feelings may be displayed by a herd of gazelles or deer living in constant danger from the onslaught of fierce predations. Only speedy flight saves the herd from extinction. There, the smallest unusual noise makes the animals cautious; a faint smell of the predator causes apprehension; the loud roar of a lion means imminent danger and sends the entire herd into rapid flight. If, however, the aggressor is recognized as one who may be resisted, such as a coyote, a wolf, or a mountain lion, a dominant male may be aroused to fight rather than flight; the excitement of danger secretes adrenalin into its veins, readying it for either action.
When a powerful aggressor is in the midst of the herd, panic is dispersed through uncontrolled random flight. This reduces the density of the group and thus the danger to each individual. The old, sick, and feeble are most likely to be devoured, so that the average quality of the herd is improved by survival of the fittest.
Even paralysing terror has its value for survival. Many predators such as spiders, and some snakes, have poor eyesight and can notice only moving objects. A fly is safe from a spider as long as it remains immobile.
Paralysing terror can save human lives at the onset of a severe heart attack. The pain of such an attack may be violent, but the chief terror of angina pectoris (literally ‘constriction of the chest,’) is the instinctive anticipation of suffocation or heart failure. Under such conditions, immobility may save a victim’s life by conserving the scant supply of blood and oxygen until emergency aid can be given.
On the other hand, many patients remain frightened long after the physical damage is repaired. They and other excessively tense people suffer angina spasms at every incident, be it severe or trivial, that triggers reactions of fear, frustration, or resentment. For such people, the instinctive fear reaction has lost its survival value and has turned into a dangerous burden. In these cases, the danger caused by fear is not external but psychosomatic. The anguish of angina is brought on less by the mental strain itself than by worrying about it.
He who has overcome instinctive fear, who remains calm and confident in the midst of difficulties and provocations, is well on the road to mastery.
Extracted from the article The Dangers and Benefits of Fear by Walter Albershein
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Eat Right, Live Well – Part 1
It is not too late to resolve to eat healthily. Margaret Lee asks dieticians for food tips. I reproduce her article here in 4 parts.
Part 1 - For General Health And Well-Being
Nutritionist recommends that the following wholesome foods be included in everyone’s diet as they provide not only the essential nutrients but can also enhance your health and may aid in preventing disease.
1. Wholegrains
The milling and refining of grains like wheat and rice result in significant losses of nutrients and other protective substances present in the highest amounts in the germ and bran. These include vitamin E, the vitamin B complex and minerals such as selenium, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
Wholegrain foods can help to reduce cholesterol, risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Being high in fibre, wholegrains can also help you manage your weight as high-fibre food can make a meal feel more filling.
Examples of wholegrains include barley, brown rice, wholemeal bread, oatmeal, popcorn (choose the unsweetened or unsalted variety), whole wheat pasta, whole wheat crackers and wild rice.
2. Fish
They are great for the heart for two key reasons. Firstly, they are an excellent source of protein that is low in both saturated fat and cholesterol. Reducing the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet can help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Some types of fish are also good sources of omega-3 fat, which is known to benefit the heart. Eat fish that are high in omega-3 fat – such as mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon – at least twice a week.
3. Dairy
Maintaining strong bones is crucial to enjoying a full and active lifestyle. Diary products like milk, yoghurt and cheese provide calcium that is essential to bone health. As you age, you will start to lose bone mass. If your diet contains insufficient calcium, your bones can become fragile and brittle, leading to osteoporosis.
If you cannot tolerate dairy products, there are many other calcium-rich foods such as soya bean milk, green leafy vegetables, tofu, almonds, beans, ikan bilis and canned sardines with bones.
4. Probiotics
Probiotics are live micro-organisms – in most cases bacteria – that are similar to the beneficial bacteria found in the human gastrointestinal tract.
Probiotics – essentially friendly bacteria – are vital to the proper development of your immune system as they protect against micro-organisms that could cause diseases.
Probiotics are also vital to maintaining good digestive health. The specific strains of probiotics that have health benefits are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli.
5. Soya
Soya and soya food products have always been known as nutritional powerhouses, this is because they are good sources of protein, fibre, B vitamins, calcium, potassium and iron.
Most of its fat is in the healthier polyunsaturated and monosaturated forms. In addition to being cholesterol-free, soya protein is also known to benefit the heart.
Research also suggests that isoflavones, a type of phytochemica found in soya, may protect against breast cancer if soya is included in the diet from a young age.
Sources of soya, include tofu, soya milk, tempeh, miso, tau-kee, toasted soya nuts and edamame (fresh soya beans in pods).
Monday, 19 January 2009
My Philosophy Of Life
Here’s a summary of my philosophy of life.
Life is transient. We were born, live a number of years, and we die. In between we do the best we can with what we have got.
Life can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.
I believe life is all about cause and effect. Things don’t happen on its own.
Sometimes, we make waves; sometimes, we ride the waves; and sometimes we go with the flow of the currents.
There is no certainty or security in life. The only certainty in life is change and death. Nothing remains the same for long. And where there is birth, there is death.
There is no absolute right or wrong, good or bad. Everything depends on our perception and understanding of the issues at hand. So don’t be too rigid in your thinking. Keep an open mind.
Think, analyse, reason, rationalise. Use your logic and common sense. If logic and common sense tells you that something is not right, then that thing is most probably not right.
Don’t judge. Everyone one of us has problems of our own. We don’t know what battles the other person is fighting. Besides, we are all different. We do things differently. And we have our reasons for doing the things we did.
Be humble, be nice, be kind, be forgiving of people. And most of all, love and be kind to yourself. We all need a break now and then, and we should give ourselves a break too.
Sometimes we win, sometimes we loose. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail. But that is not important. What is important is that we did our best and we enjoyed the game, or the challenge. Failure and success are not permanent. We may win the next time round.
Be patient. Sometimes things take a little longer than expected – whether it is receiving good tidings, or for your woes to go away. A time for everything. Let nature takes its course.
Acquire knowledge and wisdom. Read deeply, listen attentively, observe closely. Knowledge and wisdom will help you understand the world you live in – and yourself.
Take things easy. Be happy. Laugh and have fun. Enjoy life. A little forbearance, a little understanding, a little humour and surely you will enjoy a happy and fulfilled life.
So, there you are – my philosophy of life – the basics of it anyway. What do you think?
Philosophy is like trying to open a safe with a combination lock: each little adjustment of the dials seems to achieve nothing, only when everything is in place does the door open. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Change is always possible unless our brain has stopped functioning. It is a choice that need not be wrenching or threatening. Adapting to life’s currents is a natural process, and, in the final analysis, the path of least resistance.
Of course, the new, the untested, the uncertain cause their share of anxiety. But any change is better than none and most change is for the better. It has the power to uplift, to heal, to stimulate, surprise, open new doors, bring fresh experience and create excitement in life. It elevates us from mediocrity and saves us from false security. Certainly it is worth the risk! We must also keep in mind that it is only through change that we can continue to experiment with ourselves and our lives.
When we find that life is a bore, that existence is a chore, that the wonder and magic of being alive is vanishing, it is possible that it is because we are resisting change. If we have become trapped in a dull, lifeless rhythm, we must resolve to give up our resistance and dance to a new step. When we do, we will surely rediscover that change is our greatest source of happiness, stimulation and continued growth.
- Leo Buscaglia
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Food Additives May Make Lung Tumour Grow
Common food additives known as phosphates may cause lung cancer tumours to grow faster, at least in mice, South Korean researchers reported recently.
Their tests suggest the additives – found in many soft drinks, baked goods and processed meats and cheese – may also lead to tumours developing in the first place.
“Our study indicates that increased intake of inorganic phosphates strongly stimulates lung cancer development in mice,” Dr Cho Myung Haing of Seoul National University, who led the study, said in a statement last month.
A diet high in phosphates “significantly increased the lung surface tumour lesions as well as the size,” the researchers wrote.
Dr Cho said the research suggests that cutting back on inorganic phosphates “may be critical for lung cancer treatment as well as prevention.”
Phosphates care critical to human nutrition and can be used in compounds that enrich calcium and iron content and prevent food from drying out.
However, Dr Cho said it is possible that some people get too much of it. In the 1990s, phosphorus-containing food additives contributed about 470mg per day to the average adult diet, he said. Now, people can get up to 1,000mg a day, he said.
The researches stressed their study, published in the American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical care Medicine, does not show that food additives contribute to cancer in people. It points to questions for human cancer researchers to study.
Lung cancer s the most common cancer killer worldwide, with 1.2 million people dying from it every year. Smoking is the most common cause but a majority of smokers do not develop lung cancer.
Dr Cho’s team found phosphate-rich diets affected the Akt gene, known to be involved in lung cancer, and suppressed another gene that can help slow cancer’s development.
- Reuters
Monday, 12 January 2009
What is Philosophy
I was a philosopher before I even knew what the word means, or what philosophy is all about. I remember having so many questions about life but no answers. In that respect, I suppose we are all philosophers at some point in our life as I am sure you asked a few questions of your own – questions pertaining to life, death, our role in this existence etc.
As we grew older, we accept that there are some questions which have no answers, and there are questions that can be answered only partially. So we stop questioning, and we accept it as part and parcel of life. However, for some, the questions remained and the desire to seek the answers are stronger. I am one of them.
Recently, in passing conversation with a friend, the topic of philosophy was brought up, and it was then that I found out that the spiritual, and mystical aspects of life which I thought are separate entities are actually part of philosophy.
So, what is philosophy anyway?
According to Tom Morris, philosopher and author of ‘Philosophy for Dummies’, - “Philosophy is, at its best, a passionate commitment to pursuing and embracing the most fundamental truths and insightful perspectives about life.”
Philosophers seek to understand life. They want to attain the deepest perspective they can about this world and about another world that may exist. They question and probe - in search of illumination, insight, and what some call ‘enlightenment.’
We all want to understand the context within which we live and move and exist. In our look at the great philosophical questions, we will allow ourselves to ask basic and probing questions about what it is to be a human being in this world, what life is all about, and how we can live in the most satisfying ways.
We tackle head on some of those most fundamental issues that we too often dance around and never really address.”
So, let the contemplation of life begin! Let there be enlightenment! And here are a couple of questions/issues to start you on –
What is the meaning of life? What is happiness?
I have actually covered these 2 topics in my earlier posts when I thought those questions were more spiritual than philosophical. As I understand it now, spiritual is but a part of philosophy. Anyway, if you want to refer to the articles, or to read them again, look under Life, Happiness on the labels on the right hand side of the page.
Philosophy is the love of wisdom and the endeavour to attain it. - Seneca
Sunday, 11 January 2009
A woman was helping her husband set up his new computer, and at the appropriate time in the process, told him he would now need to enter a password. Something he would use to log-on.
Her husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try for the shock effect to bring this to his wife’s attention. So, when the computer asked him to enter his password, he made it plainly obvious to his wife that he was keying in: P...E...N...I...S
His wife fell out of her chair laughing when the computer replied,
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Change or Perish

I got the following interesting fact about the eagle from another blog. I am not sure how true this is though. But still, it is a good parable.
The eagle has the longest life-span of its species. It can live up to 70 years.
However, in its forties, its long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey which serves as food. Its long and sharp beak becomes bent. Its aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers become stuck to its chest and make it difficult to fly.
The eagle is then left with 2 options: die, or go through a painful process of change which last 150 days.
The process requires that the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it drops off. After that, it will wait for a new beak to grow back. With the new beak, it will pluck out its talons. When the new talons grow back, the eagle will start plucking its aged feathers.
And after 5 months, the eagle takes its famous flight of re-birth and lives for 30 more years.
This parable illustrates the importance of change. Many times, in order to survive we have to undergo a process of change. We sometimes need to get rid of old memories, habits and other past traditions. Only when we are free from past burdens, can we take advantage of the present.
Change is a law of life. Without change, there would be no growth, no progress, no improvement to our lives. In the case of the eagle, change is a matter of life and death.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Are you one of those who embraces change, or are you one of those who resist change, and prefer the safety of the tried and tested?
Habit and apathy prevent us from wanting to change. Some people would prefer to be in a rut than to change. Yes, even a rut can be comfortable – once you get used to it. To accept new ideas and give up old values and habits is not always comfortable. It is often easier for us to deny that there may be more appropriate, more creative possibilities for our lives.
When we resist these potentialities, life becomes at best a continual struggle; at worst, it passes us by and we are left behind while people around us advances.
Change can be fearful, no doubt, and any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. That is why people fear change and resist change. But without change there will be no progress. Hence, we must learn to embrace change. We must constantly renew, and rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we stagnate.
When change is necessary, we should just take the plunge. We should welcome the chance to experience new things and opportunities. Quite often, we emerged the better for it and glad that we did it too. This is how we progress, and our life would be richer for these experiences.
Change is the law of life. Everything in life changes. Nothing is constant in life. We must learn to view change as a natural phenomenon – to anticipate it and plan for it. Our only security in life is our ability to change. And the key to change is to let go of fear – the fear of change, the fear of the known.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Advertisement on lorries. Very creative indeed! An advertisement like this will grab your attention - I am sure!
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Vitamins Key To Health?
For some reason, I have never believed in vitamin pills. Never take them. I am not saying that vitamin pills do not have their benefits. A lot of people would swear by it – I am sure. But I believe the fresh stuff are more natural and healthier. I am glad I am not far off in my assumption – going by the following article.
My mantra for good health has always been fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh air, lots of water, regular exercises and a happy disposition.
Vitamins key to health? Not necessarily so. Large doses of such supplements may even be harmful: Studies
Los Angeles: Vitamins pills – wonder pills thought to play a cruical role in preventing some of the most intractable illnes – have lost their lustre.
Results of clinical trials, designed by The National Insitutes of Health to qnatify the disease-fighting abilities of vitamins and minerals, have not shown benefits from taking them.
This month, two long-term trials involving more than 50,000 participants offered fresh evidence that vitamin C, vitamin E and selenim supplements do not reduce the risk of prostate, colorectal, lung, bladder or pancreatic cancer.
Research has even suggested that, in some circumstances, vitamin and mineral supplements can be unsafe.
Some physicians now advise patients to rely instead on a healthy diet for needed vitamins and minerals.
“These things are ineffective, and in high doses they can cause harm,” said Dr. Edgar Miller, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
Yet, faith in vitamins runs deep. The council for Responsible Nutrition, a Washington DC-based trade group, estimated that 64 per cent of Americans take vitamin and mineral supplements.
Despite the steady drumbeat of reports questioning their efficiency, sales have risen consistently from US$5 billion in 1995 to US$10 billion this year, according to the Nutrition Business Journal.
Scientists remain convinced that vitamins are essential to health. But they are puzzled over how their obvious benefits could be so elusive in randomised controlled trials, the gold standard of medical research.
Unlike observational studies, which look backward at groups of people to identify factors that are associated with a particular disease, a forward-looking randomised controlled trial has the power to show that a particular factor can prevent the disease.
“You really do need vitamin C. You really do need vitamin E. You really do need selenium.” Said Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg, director of the US Department of Agriculture’s Antioxidants Research Laboratory at Tufts University in Boston. “Without them, you die.”
Researchers have identified several reasons why vitamins do not lend themselves to random controlled trials. Chief among them is that there is no true placebo group when it comes to vitamins and minerals because everyone gets some in their diet.
“For drugs, someone either has (the impotence drug) Cialis in their system or he doesn’t,” said Dr Paul Coates, director of the National Institutes of Health office of Dietary Supplements in Maryland. With vitamins, “there’s a baseline exposure that needs to be taken into account. It makes the challenge of seeing an improvement more difficult”.
Meanwhile, researchers will return to traditional observation studies to learn more about the role of nutrition in fighting disease. I’m comfortable telling you to eat whole grains and fruits and vegetables and cut back on saturated fats.” D. Buumberg said, “even though we don’t have clinical trials showing that.”
Conclusions of other studies
The 10-year-long Women’s Health Study found that women who took vitamin E were just as likely to develop heart disease, stroke and a variety of cancers as those who took a placebo.
The Women’s Antioxidant Cardiovascular Study tested the effects of vitamins C and E and beta carotene in women with signs of heart disease for an average of 9.4 years. None of the supplements had any effect.
The Physicians’ Health Study tested vitamins C and E in male doctors for an average of eight years and found the supplements did not make their hearts healthier.
The Women’s Health initiative traced women for an average of seven years and found that vitamin D plus calcium did not protect against invasive breast cancer.
The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial tested those supplements in men for more than five years and found that they did not reduce the risk of Prostate cancer.
Monday, 5 January 2009
The Philososphy Of Life
There are many aspects of life. The more noted and familiar ones are the temporal (worldly), religious, spiritual, philosophical, mystical, holistic …… aspects.
I am more interested in the philosophical side of life which encompass the spiritual (not to be mistaken as religious), as well as the mystical aspects. I have always wondered what life is all about – always felt that there’s more to life than meets the eye. The way I see it, we are but a minute existence of this Universe. We are but a very small part in the scheme / nature of things. It has always been my desire to learn more about life, about nature, about the cosmic, and about my place in nature’s scheme of things.
I tried looking for answers in religion, and I realized that the answers can never be found there. However, I found Buddhism, which to me is more of a philosophy of life than a religion. Buddhism has answered some of my questions and helped in my outlook of life. I think my life is richer because of Buddhism.
I don’t know if I will ever find the answers I am looking for, but I intend to make the pursuit my hobby/past-time/interest for life. This may not be a hot topic with most people but for those who are interested or curious, look out for this space on Mondays. And If you have something to contribute feel free to drop me a line.
The object of studying philosophy is to know one’s own mind, not other people’s. - William Ralph Inge
Sunday, 4 January 2009
The Test
The FBI had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks, interviews, and testing were done there were three finalists - two men and a woman.
For the final test, the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. “We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill Her!”
The man said, “You can’t be serious, I could never shoot my wife.”
The agent said, “Then you’re not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home.”
The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, “I tried, but I can’t kill my wife.”
The agent said, “You don’t have what it takes. Take your wife and go home.”
Finally, it was the woman’s turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman. She wiped the sweat from her brow.
“This gun is loaded with blanks,” she said. “I had to beat him to death with the chair.”
Friday, 2 January 2009
The happy road to life …
I would like to pass on these advice/suggestions which I picked up from another blog.
The happy road to life …
Take the time to love - It is the sea of eternal youth
Take the time to laugh - It is the music of the heart
Take the time to cry - It is sign of a large heart
Take the time to read - It is a source of knowledge
Take the time to learn - It is the power of intelligence
Take the time to think - It is the key to success
Take the time to play - It is the freshness of childhood
Take the time to dream - It is a breath of happiness
Take the time to live - Because Time Passes Quickly and Never Returns !
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