Sunday 5 May 2019

Knowledge - Quotes

That is the beginning of knowledge – the discovery of something we do not understand. - Frank Herbert

The advancement and diffusion of knowledge; which is the only Guardian of true liberty. - James Madison

The end of man is knowledge but there's one thing he can't know. He can't know whether knowledge will save him or kill him. He will be killed, all right, but he can't know whether he is killed because of the knowledge which he has got or because of the knowledge which he hasn't got and which if he had it would save him. - Robert Penn Warren

The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance. - Confucius

The function of knowledge is to transcend earthly experience, not to wallow in it. - Susan Hubbard

The further knowledge advances, the nearer we come to the unfathomable. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

The gulf between knowledge and truth is infinite. - Henry Miller

The heavens and the earth, the woods and the wayside, teem with instruction and knowledge to the curious and thoughtful. - Hosea Ballou

The knowledge of the world is only to be acquired in the world, and not in a closet. - Philip Dormer Stanhope

The knowledge of useful things is a purse seldom lost. - Edward Counsel

The knowledge which we have acquired ought not to resemble a great shop without order, and without an inventory; we ought to know what we possess, and be able to make it serve us in need. - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

The misapplication of our knowledge is, in general, more injurious to our happiness and interest, than either the privations of ignorance, or the disqualifications of inexperience. - Norman MacDonald

The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge of it. - John Locke

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