Sunday 30 March 2008

The measure of success

To a large extent, the measure of your success is also your definition of success. We all use different yardstick to measure success. Let’s take a look at how other people measure success.

Success has always been easy to measure. It is the distance between one’s origins and one’s final achievement. - Michael Korda

If you can achieve ten significant things, you are not successful when you only achieved two. Success should be measured against your ability. - Unknown

The man is indeed a success who can look back and say not that he has accomplished more than any man, but who can look back and say “I have inspired more men to accomplish.” - Unknown

You are successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal. - Chuck Carlson

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. - Earl Nightingale

Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered, and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. - Orison Swett Marden

I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed. - Booker T. Washington

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting - in the trying, not the triumph, Success is a personal standard - reaching for the highest that is in us - becoming all that we can be. If we do our best, we are a success. Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have. - Zig Ziglar

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task, who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauties, nor failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life is an inspiration; whose memory a benediction. - Robert Luis Stevenson

The ultimate of being successful is the luxury of giving yourself the time to do what you want to do - to be able to spend your life in your own way. - Unknown

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