Friday 6 July 2012

Destiny - Quotes

A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. - Jean de La Bruyere 

Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly fit your needs? - Marcus Aurelius

All that is called Destiny or Fate is none other than the result of our thoughtlessness and our mistrust of ourselves; we should know that all that is created on earth is created by its sole Master and Labourer – Man. - Maxim Gorky

An individual's destiny belongs to him in much the same way as the ground, which fetters him by its gravity, but without which walking would be impossible. We must accept our destiny as we accept the ground on which we stand--a ground which is the springboard for our freedom. - Viktor Emil Frankl

As we blossom or awaken, we begin to notice there is a force in the world that seems to be operating and leading us into a certain destiny. And it's very much a kind of detective effort on our own part to figure out what these things mean. The synchronicity is essentially a meaningful coincidence that brings us information at just the right time. While leading us forward, it also feels very inspiring and destined in a way. It feels like we're on a path of unfolding in our own personal evolution. - James Redfield

Betimes I have heard people bewail the fact that our destinies are shrouded in mystery; I think, though, that it is a blessing of sorts. Surely if we knew what bitterness fate held in store, we would shrink back in fear and let the cup of life pass us untasted. - Jacqueline Carey

Change your perception and you change your destiny.  - Takudzwa Mash

Creativity itself doesn’t care at all about results – the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless. - Elizabeth Gilbert

Destiny ... a word which means more than we can find any definitions for. It is a word which can have no meaning in a mechanical universe: if that which is wound up must run down, what destiny is there in that? Destiny is not necessitarianism, and it is not caprice: it is something essentially meaningful. Each man has his destiny, though some men are undoubtedly "men of destiny" in a sense in which most men are not. - T. S. Eliot

Destiny guides us towards a specific goal, but without our wilful participation we will not achieve our destiny. - Lee Bladon

Destiny is a journey. Therefore, it is essential for anyone who wants to reach his or her planned destination to stay on course. Detouring can cause a trip that is only meant to take a day turn into a trip that takes weeks... The only way you can travel into your destiny is to release yourself of other routes that cause lengthy detours, taking you back to the beginning and sometimes to dead end streets. - Kristi Luv Wilson

Destiny is a wonderful little outline on how everything will work out, but free will can rewrite the outline as things come to pass. It's like the highway system, the road is already laid out for you, but there are numerous interchanges, off-ramps, and forks you can take; the road is set, the final destination isn't. - Cris Allan Pace

Destiny is not a strange power which determines what shall happen to me. It is myself as given, formed by nature, history, and myself. My destiny is the basis of my freedom; my freedom participates in shaping my destiny. - Paul Tillich

Destiny is not preordained. Destiny is ordained totally by you. Every single moment of your NOW existence is the result of your previous thought. The idea that everything is already laid out for you in advance is a hallucination. You can and do manifest your own destiny. - Wayne W. Dyer

Destiny is not the path given to us, but the path we choose for ourselves. - Megamind

Destiny is not the same as fate. The word refers not to anything terrible or even to anything inevitable, in the usual sense of the word, but to the temporal and free unfolding of a person's essential being. A destiny is a spiritual drama. - Gregory Wolfe

Destiny is real. And she’s not mild-mannered. She will come around and hit you in the face and knock you over and before you know what hit you, you’re naked- stripped of everything you thought you knew and everything you thought you didn’t know – and there you are! A bloody nose, bruises all over you, and naked. And it’s the most beautiful thing. - C. JoyBell C.

Destiny is something we make for ourselves. - Kouga Gennosuke

Destiny is the course of events which is followed by those who are content to go with the tide. - Arthur Edward Waite

Destiny isn't a matter of chance, but of choice, and what you choose to accept will eventually become yours. - Katia Winter

Destiny leads the willing, but drags the unwilling. - American Proverb

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. Choice, not chance, determines destiny. - William Jennings Bryan

Destiny is the invention of the cowardly, and the resigned. It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in us. - Unknown

Destiny waits alike for the free man as well as for him enslaved by another’s might. - Aeschylus

Destiny will show when it's time. - Eric Harvey

Destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be re-routed by the choices we make, by the love we hold onto, and the promises we keep. - Mohinder Suresh

Destiny's powerful hand has made the bed of my future, and it's up to me to lie in it. - Unknown

Each of us suffers his own destiny. - Vergil

Every day brings forth a new destiny. - Edward Counsel

Every destiny is honourable. But it is a pity if you don't know your placement in life. The hardest work so far in life is to be able to locate your place where you belong here on earth. The fingers are placed in the hands; the toes are placed on the legs; the nose is placed in the head. Locate your placement in life. - Harrison Enudi

Every man has his own destiny; the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him. - Henry Miller

For Destiny never swerves, nor yields to men the helm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am master of my own destiny, and I can make my life anything that I wish it to be. - Roger McDonald

I believe it’s our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny. - Tony Robbins

I want to do the right thing, but often I don't know just what the right thing is. Every day I know I have come short of what I would like to have done. Yet as the years pass and I see the very world itself, with its oceans and mountains and plains, as something unfinished, a peculiar little satisfaction hunts out the corners of my heart. Sunsets and evening shadows find me regretful at task's undone, but sleep and the dawn and the air of the morning touch me with freshening hopes. Strange things blow in through my window on the wings of the night wind and I don't worry about my destiny. - Carl Sandburg

I'm a man who believes in destiny. But it's a destiny of your own choosing. Just because a trail leads one way doesn't mean you can't cut your own path. - Fraser

If there is one thing I've learned, it's when destiny calls, you answer the phone! - Hiro Nakamura

If we would see the colour of our future, we must look for it in our present; if we would gaze on the star of our destiny, we must look for it in our hearts. - Canon Farrar

If you employed study, thinking, and planning time daily, you could develop and use the power that can change the course of your destiny. - W. Clement Stone

In the end, we are all the sum total of our actions. Thus also, day by day, we write our own destiny; for inexorable ... we become what we do. - Unknown

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. - Tony Robbins

It is man's destiny to ponder on the riddle of existence. - C.F. Kettering

It just has to be. In time. In place. In spirit. It just has to be. - David Levithan

Know that it's your decisions, and not your conditions, that determine your destiny. - Anthony Robbins

Look in the mirror for the agent of your destiny. Whether we fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but our own. - Unknown

Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. - Kin Hubbard

Man's destiny was to conquer and rule the world, and this is what he's done – almost. He hasn't quite made it, and it looks as though this may be his undoing. The problem is that man's conquest of the world has itself devastated the world. And in spite of all the mastery we've attained, we don't have enough mastery to stop devastating the world - or to repair the devastation we've already wrought. We've poured our poisons into the world as though it were a bottomless pit - and we go on gobbling them up. It's hard to imaging how the world could survive another century of this abuse, but nobody's really doing anything about it. It's a problem our children will have to solve, or their children. - Daniel Quinn

Many people believe that destiny is a specific outcome or place of achievement when it is very much about your total processing. In other words, destiny is not just about your "get there" but it is also about your "go through". - Howard L. Bass

Many people don't think much about their destiny, and may even be intimidated by the term, mistakenly believing that something as grand as "destiny" is reserved for historical figures, spiritual leaders, and famous people. I firmly believe that every one of us has a destiny, and to discover what it is, we have to connect with what makes us feel the most vibrant and joyful. - Peggy McColl

Men speak of blind destiny, a thing without scheme or purpose. But what sort of destiny is that? Each act in this world from which there can be no turning back has before it another, and it another yet. In a vast endless net. Men imagine that the choices before them are theirs to make. But we are free to act only upon what is given. Choice is lost in the maze of generations and each act in the maze is itself an enslavement for it voids every alternative and binds one ever more tightly into the constraints that make a life. - Cormac McCarthy

No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. - Francois Muriac 

No one's born with their destiny stamped on their forehead ... we make the choices to fulfil our destiny. - Naomi Judd

No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently. - Agnes de Mille

Often the steps we take to avoid destiny lead us to it. - Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger

Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid. - Goethe

Our destiny can be examined, but it cannot be justified or totally explained. We are simply here. - Iris Murdoch

Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire. - Orison S. Marden

Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for. - Lawrence Block

Sometimes, we can't outrun our destiny. - Clark Kent

Sow a character and you reap a destiny. - James Allen

Stand up, be bold. Take the whole responsibility on your shoulder and know that you are the creator of your destiny. All the strength you want is within yourself. Therefore make your own future. - Vivekananda

The efforts which we make to escape from our destiny only serve to lead us into it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The real test of a man is not how well he plays the role he has invented for himself, but how well he plays the role that destiny assigned to him. - Jan Patocka

There is a destiny that makes us brothers: none goes his way alone; all that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own. - Edwin Markham

Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny. - Tryon Edwards

To accomplish our destiny, it is not enough to merely guard prudently against road accidents. We must also cover before nightfall the distance assigned to each of us. - Dr. Alexis Carrel

To be always on the move, learning, discovering, unfolding, is your eternal destiny. Living is life's only purpose … To live without self-concern. - Nisargadatta Maharaj

We are all, at our cores, the sum of our fears. To embrace destiny, we must, inevitably, face those fears and conquer them. Whether they come from the familiar... or the unknown. - Mohinder Suresh

We are face to face with our destiny and we must meet it with a high and resolute courage. For us it is the life of action, of strenuous performance of duty; let us live in the harness, striving mightily; let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out. - Theodore Roosevelt

We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours. - Dag Hammarskjold

We can’t become anything we want to be. We come into this world with a specific, personal destiny. We have a job to do, a calling to enact, a self to become. We are who are from the cradle, and we’re stuck with it. Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it. If we are born to paint, it’s our job to become a painter. If we are born to raise and nurture children, it’s our job to become a mother. If we were born to overthrow the order of ignorance and injustice in the world, it’s our job to realize it and get down to business. - Steven Pressfield

We cannot always explain our destiny by referring to our moral worth; we may be cursed and blessed without justice behind either. Not everything which happens to us occurs with reference to something about us. - Seneca

We fail to see that we can control our own destiny; make ourselves do whatever is possible; make ourselves become whatever we long to be. - Orison Swett Marden

We're all here to do what we're all here to do. - The Oracle

With his unique destiny each man stands, so to speak, alone in the entire cosmos. His destiny will not recur. No one else has the same potentialities as he, nor will he himself be given them again. The opportunities that come his way for the actualization of creative or experiential values, the tribulations which are destined to come his way – which he cannot alter and must therefore endure and in the enduring of them actualize attitudinal values – all these are unique and singular. - Viktor Emil Frankl

You do not choose your destiny. It chooses you. And those who knew you before Fate took you by the hand cannot understand the depth of the changes inside. - Mohinder Suresh

You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand. - Irene C. Kassorla

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