Sunday 30 September 2012

Freedom of Speech - Quotes

Freedom of speech is a guiding rule, one of the foundations of democracy, but at the same time, freedom does not imply anarchy, and the right to exercise free expression does not include the right to do unjustified harm to others. - Raphael Cohen-Almagor

Freedom of speech gives you the right to stay silent. - Neil Gaiman

Freedom of speech is of no use to a man who has nothing to say. - Franklin D. Roosevelt

I am here to speak on freedom of speech. It is a great topic, and I am going to make my speech as free as possible. But you know that this cannot be done, for when anyone announces that he is going to speak his mind freely, everyone is frightened. This shows that there is no such thing as true freedom of speech. No one can afford to let his neighbors know what he is thinking about them. Society can exist only on the basis that there is some amount of polished lying and that no one says exactly what he thinks. - Lin YuTang

Should freedom of speech include the freedom to tell lies? Who decides what is true and what is a lie? Should the young and impressionable be exposed to propaganda deliberately designed to make them hate others? If we deny the deniers the right to spread their venom, are we then putting our own right to free speech at risk? At which point does hate speech so directly provoke violence that it should be banned? - Ted Gottfriend

We should not have either a blunt knife or a freedom of speech which is ill-managed. - Epictetus

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