Monday 6 January 2020


We cannot be always victorious in our endeavours. Sometimes, we win, sometimes we lose. If there is victory, there is defeat. Both are part and parcel of any game, contest or projects we take part in. We either defeat others, or we are defeated.

Winning is not everything, and neither is losing. What is important is that we took part, we did our best, we enjoyed the process, and we learned from our defeat. In this way, in defeat, we still win. Besides, no one can always win. At some point, he will be defeated by someone else.

We have to learn to accept our defeat. We also need to learn why we are defeated, where we went wrong so that we can improve our skills and knowledge - so that we will have a better chance at winning the next time.

Sometimes, we are defeated because we are new, and not experienced enough. Sometimes, it is because we did not plan well, or we did not practice enough. Let these be our lessons. But do not give up. We have to try again, and again. Hone our skills, work on our plans, do whatever it needs to improve our chances of success. One day, success will be ours.

Defeat should never be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus. - Bishop Robert South

It is defeat that turns bone to flint; it is defeat that turns gristle to muscle; it is defeat that makes men invincible. - Henry Ward Beecher

A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means. - Sallust

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. - Marilyn vos Savant

Defeat never comes to any man until he admits it. - Josephus Daniels

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. - F. Scott Fitzgerald

The deepest personal defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become. - Unknown

We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. - Maya Angelou

What is defeat? Nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better. - Wendell Phillips

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