Monday 10 June 2013

Meekness - Quotes

Meekness is not a soft, yielding, natural disposition, nor a prudent bridling of a passionate nature; but it is humility applied to the world, not taking offense at the offenses of the world. - George A. Edgar

Meekness is not weakness, but spiritual strength harnessed for service. - Joe Cothen

Meekness is one of those mysterious virtues that we hardly even ponder. We may gossip that some blowhard is hardly humble, but we don't think, "You know, what that guy needs is a little more meekness." Meekness sounds wimpy, almost negative. If someone's meek, it sounds like they're a pushover. A doormat. A wimp. But here's the reality: true meekness exerts incredible power. Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is strength. It has softened hearts and toppled empires. It's a power that can't be countered. - Tompaul Wheeler

Meekness is tender; consulting the feelings of others, and willing to bear much pain rather than inflict any. - Unknown

Meekness is when you are in a position of strength and power – yet you choose not to use that power against your opponent, your critic, your accuser, your persecutor. - Michael Youssef

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