Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Medicine - Quotes

Body and soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment, for they are one and indivisible. Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies. - C. Jeff Miller

Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing. - Voltaire

In the sick room, ten cents’ worth of human understanding equals ten dollars’ worth of medical science. - Martin H. Fischer

Is it not also true that no physician, in so far as he is a physician, considers or enjoins what is for the physician’s interest, but that all seek the good of their patients? For we have agreed that a physician strictly so called, is a ruler of bodies, and not a maker of money, have we not? - Plato

It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has. - William Osler

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates

Mediocre medicine cures diseases; superior medicine prevents them. - Nei Jing

Men who are occupied in the restoration of health to other men, by the joint exertion of skill and humanity, are above all the great of the earth. They even partake of divinity, since to preserve and renew is almost as noble as to create. - Voltaire

One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine…. Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants. - William Osler

People pay the doctor for his trouble; for his kindness they still remain in his debt. - Seneca

The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. - Voltaire

The best cure for the body is a quiet mind. - Napoleon

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will educate his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. - Thomas Edison

The FDA protects the big drug companies, and is subsequently rewarded, and using the government’s police powers, they attack those who threaten the big drug companies.  People think that the FDA is protecting them.  It isn’t.  What the FDA is doing, and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day. - Dr. Herbert Ley

The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease. - William Osler

The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty – it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. - Mother Teresa

The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated. - Plato

The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient’s hopes are the physician’s secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription. - Norman Cousins

The superior doctor prevents sickness; The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness; The inferior doctor treats actual sickness. - Chinese proverb

Time is generally the best doctor. - Ovid

We look for medicine to be an orderly field of knowledge and procedure. But it is not. It is an imperfect science, an enterprise of constantly changing knowledge, uncertain information, fallible individuals, and at the same time lives on the line. There is science in what we do, yes, but also habit, intuition, and sometimes plain old guessing. The gap between what we know and what we aim for persists. And this gap complicates everything we do. - Atul Gawande

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