Monday 28 December 2009

Black Pepper, Curry Powder Can Halt Cancer

A new study suggests that compounds found in black pepper and curry powder can help to halt the growth of stem cells that give rise to breast cancer.

Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Centre applied piperine, found in black pepper and curcumin, the main ingredient in the curry spice turmeric, to breast cancer cells in a laboratory dish, Reuters reported. The spices, when used in combination, reduced the number of stem cells but did not harm normal breast cells.

“If we can limit the number of stem cells, we can limit the number of cells with the potential to form tumours,” said Dr Madhuri Kakarala, a clinical lecturer in internal medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School and a research investigator at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.

Stem cells have the potential to develop into may different cell types. Cancerous stem cells are believed to fuel tumour growth. Some researchers believe that controlling or even curing cancer involves targeting stem cells.

The study team discovered that piperine enhanced curcumin’s effects. Curcumin and piperine are dietary polyhenols. Polyphenols are known to have ant-inflammatory and other protective properties.

Together, the two spices prevented the breast cancer-initiating stem cells from regenerating and producing new cancer cells, a process called self-renewal. Yet, the compounds appeared to have no effect on the normal cell development process.

“This shows that these compounds are not toxic to normal breast tissue,” Dr Kakaral said. “The concept that dietary compounds can help is attractive and curcumin and piperine appear to have very low toxicity.”

The spice solution in this experiment was about 20 times more potent than the individual spices found in a typical diet.

As piperine and turmeric have not been tested in patients at risk for breast cancer, the study team does not encourage supplement use at this time. The team plans to conduct a clinical trial to determine the safe dose of curcumin and piperine.

- Reuters 

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