Friday 18 January 2013

Hindsight - Quotes

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. - Billy Wilder

Hindsight is an exact science. - Guy Bellamy

Hindsight is not necessarily the best guide to understanding what really happened. The past is often as distorted by hindsight as it is clarified by it. - Amos Elon

Hindsight is not only clearer than perception-in-the-moment but also unfair to those who actually lived through the moment. - Edwin S. Shneidman

Hindsight is of little value in the decision-making process. It distorts our memory for events that occurred at the time of the decision so that the actual consequence seems to have been a "foregone conclusion." Thus, it may be difficult to learn from our mistakes. - Diane F. Halpern

Hindsight plays tricks on our minds. - Jeremy J. Siegel

Hindsight, or our ability to see our past clearly, is a learning function that, when damaged ... renders us unable to look at the past to guide ourselves through the present and into the future. Without this ability, we cannot learn from our mistakes. We cannot clean up the wreckage of our actions. We are locked into a cycle of repeating the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. This is commonly known as the definition of insanity. - Barbara S. Cole

In retrospect, it becomes clear that hindsight is definitely overrated! - Alfred E. Neuman

Of all the forms of wisdom, hindsight is by general consent the least merciful, the most unforgiving. - John Fletcher

Reality looks much more obvious in hindsight than in foresight. People who experience hindsight bias misapply current hindsight to past foresight. They perceive events that occurred to have been more predictable before the fact than was actually the case. - Hersh Shefrin

The most fertile source of insight is hindsight. - Morris Kline

We will come to understand the part a difficult circumstance has played in our lives. Hindsight makes so much clear. The broken marriage, the lost job, the loneliness has all contributed to who we are becoming. The joy of the wisdom we are acquiring is that hindsight comes more quickly. We can, on occasion, begin to accept a difficult situation's contribution to our wholeness while caught in the turmoil. - Karen Casey

Well, as we all know by now, hindsight is twenty-twenty, but it is possible to turn your hindsight into foresight. - Ellen Moore

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