Sunday 1 September 2019

An Art Exhibition

I am not one to go to art galleries or exhibitions. But since one of the artists is an old friend of mine, I thought I would get out of my shell and go give some moral support.

Ernest Chan is a freelance art teacher. In between teaching in schools, he hold courses for private students.

Here is Ernest Chan’s Curriculum Vitae if you are interested.

Recently, he and three of his students organised an exhibition.

The following are eleven of his works. Oil on Wood, 3 x 6 cm. The ones with a red sticker were sold - on the day of my visit. I do not know how many others were sold.

The following are some of the works of his students - collaborators of the exhibition.

Two of them were around when I went to the exhibition. They were very helpful. They explained the idea behind the collaboration, and also the ideas behind the art pieces - where and how the inspiration of the artworks came about.

Once I heard the explanation, the elaboration, behind the artists inspiration, the artworks took on new meanings, and I was able to appreciate the exhibition a lot more. I have to admit I enjoyed the exhibition.

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