Tuesday 12 November 2019

Life's Little Lessons

Quotes inspire me, and have served as signposts on my journey through life. They are my surrogate educators. They are my teachers, guardians, and friends … always there to patiently motivate, encourage, advice, counsel, console, enlighten, educate, and at times to egg me on when I am feeling down, discouraged or disillusioned. Some of my teachers are centuries old and they include sages, philosophers, poets, writers who uttered that quote which resonates with me.

The beauty of quotes is that they are ageless. They are as applicable now as when they were uttered by some sage or guru or philosopher some centuries ago. Another beauty of quotes is that they are usually fairly simple in words and meaning. However, behind the simple words, and sentences are profound truisms. Unfortunately, it is easy to read the words without really understanding the more profound meaning they convey, missing the point the of the quotes.


A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success. - Cullen Hightower

Once men are caught up in an event, they cease to be afraid. Only the unknown frightens men. - Antoine De Saint-Exupery

If you have no will to change it, you have no right to criticize it. - Unknown

The rich become richer and the poor become poorer is a cry heard throughout the whole civilized world. - Johann Friedrich Von Schiller

Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care. - Blaise Pascal

One never goes so far as when one doesn’t know where one is going. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all. - Georges Bernanos

Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it. - Unknown

An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence, the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head. - Eric Hoffer

The worst bankrupt in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm. - H.W. Arnold

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

It is vain and useless to survey everything that goes on in the world if our study does not help us mend our ways. - Magdeleine Sable

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