Thursday 14 November 2019


Our lives might not have come with a manual, or an instruction booklet detailing what we must do at each stage of our lives, or how to live our lives day to day, but if we were to be more observant, we will find that all the answers that we need are provided for in Nature.

The sage and wise man of the past understood this. But we are so blinded by the materialism, that we have lost our way.

The good news is that there are signs that people are slowly beginning to understand our connection with Nature. Instead of abusing Nature, and keep taking from it, people are learning how to take care of Nature now.

We are beginning to understand that we are a part of Nature. Whatever happens to Nature, we will either benefit from it, or suffers from it.

Take a few moments each day to reflect upon the beauty and perfection of Nature’s creation. You don’t have to be a scientist to learn from Nature’s marvellous creation; you only need to stop long enough to observe, and let Nature reveal its wonders to you.

Design created on Canva

Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your teacher. - William Wordsworth

Apprentice yourself to nature. Not a day will pass without her opening a new and wondrous world of experience to learn from and enjoy. - Richard W. Langer

Nature is always hinting at us. It hints over and over again. And suddenly we take the hint. - Robert Frost

Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do. - Michel de Montaigne

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. - Albert Einstein

Nature arms each man with some faculty which enables him to do easily some feat impossible to any other. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

With nature’s help, humankind can set into creation all that is necessary and life sustaining. - Hildegard Von Bingen

No rush, no hurry. A time and place for everything.

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao Tzu

Nature herself has never attempted to effect great changes rapidly. - Marcus Fabius Quintilian

Nature is not mute, it is Man that is deaf. - Terence McKenna

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