Friday 29 November 2013

Quote Worthy

The way you treat others is the way you treat yourself. True respect for another comes from self respect. True love for another comes from self love. True forgiveness for another comes from self forgiveness. - Unknown

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. - Unknown

The weather-cock on the church spire, though made of iron, would soon be broken by the storm-wind if it did not understand the noble art of turning to every wind. - Heinrich Heine

It is the individual who knows how little they know about themselves who stands the most reasonable chance of finding out something about themselves before they die. -
S. I. Hayakawa

When we clear out other people’s expectations or the classic things we are supposed to want, we make room to take baby steps toward our true dreams. - Unknown

No one day is alike another, each tomorrow has its special miracle, its magic moment in which old universes are destroyed and new stars are created. - Paulo Coelho

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