Saturday 23 November 2013

Terrorism - Quotes

A "war against terrorism" is an impracticable conception if it means fighting terrorism with terrorism. - John Mortimer

Are terrorists going to be deterred -- are terrorists going to be scared if we react violently? No. They love it. That's what they dote on. They dote on violence. They dote on having more reasons to commit more terrorism. - Howard Zinn

Defeating terrorism is more difficult and far-reaching than we have assumed.... We may be advancing the ball down the field at will, running over our opponent's defenses, but winning the game is another matter altogether. - Wesley Clark

Every leader, and every regime, and every movement, and every organization that steps across the line to terrorism must be banished from the discourse of civilized human life. - Alan Keyes

Fighting terrorism is like being a goalkeeper. You can make a hundred brilliant saves but the only shot that people remember is the one that gets past you. - Paul Wilkinson

How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism? - Howard Zinn

It's not right to respond to terrorism by terrorizing other people. And furthermore, it's not going to help. Then you might say, "Yes, it's terrorizing people, but it's worth doing because it will end terrorism." But how much common sense does it take to know that you cannot end terrorism by indiscriminately dropping bombs? - Howard Zinn

Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face. - Jacques Chirac

Terrorism is carried out purposefully, in a cold-blooded, calculated fashion. The declared goals of the terrorist may change from place to place. He supposedly fights to remedy wrongs – social, religious, national, racial. But for all these problems his only solution is the demolition of the whole structure of society. No partial solution, not even the total redressing of the grievance he complains of, will satisfy him – until our social system is destroyed or delivered into his hands. - Benjamin Netanyahu

Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint. - Christopher Hitchens

Terrorism isn't James Bond or Tom Clancy. Even al-Quaeda is looking old school these days – now it's just some guy with a bomb. He walks the same roads as us. He thinks the same thoughts. But he's got a bomb. - Michael Marshall

Terrorism must be outlawed by all civilized nations – not explained or rationalized, but fought and eradicated. Nothing can, nothing will justify the murder of innocent people and helpless children. - Elie Wiesel

Terrorism, like viruses, is everywhere. There is a global perfusion of terrorism, which accompanies any system of domination as though it were its shadow, ready to activate itself anywhere, like a double agent. - Jean Baudrillard

The core belief that drives terrorism is the notion of a "holy place," along with the idea that some people belong there and other people don't. - Scott Adams

The most powerful military in the world cannot invade, kill or capture a network or destroy every loose weapon on the planet. The best response to this network of terror is to build a network of our own – a network of like-minded countries and organizations that pools resources, information, ideas, and power. Taking on the radical fundamentalists alone isn’t necessary, it isn’t smart, and it won’t succeed. - Joe Biden

The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately it destroys those who practise it. Slowly but surely, as they try to extinguish life in others, the light within them dies. - Terry Waite

Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism. - Noam Chomsky

We can't accommodate terrorism. When someone uses the slaughter of innocent people to advance a so-called political cause, at that point the political cause becomes immoral and unjust and they should be eliminated from any serious discussion, any serious debate. - Rudolph Giuliani

We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them. - George W. Bush

We must try to find ways to starve the terrorist and the hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend. - Margaret Thatcher

When I say that terrorism is war against civilization, I may be met by the objection that terrorists are often idealists pursuing worthy ultimate aims – national or regional independence, and so forth. I do not accept this argument. I cannot agree that a terrorist can ever be an idealist, or that the objects sought can ever justify terrorism. The impact of terrorism, not merely on individual nations, but on humanity as a whole, is intrinsically evil, necessarily evil and wholly evil. - Benjamin Netanyahu

You can't make war against terror. Terror is a technique of battle. It's a tactic that has been employed since time immemorial. You can conduct clandestine action against terrorists, and that must be done. - John le Carre

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