Thursday 26 June 2014

Quote Worthy

Our life and happiness are not dependent upon any single situation or person. We don’t have to have everything our way. We don’t need to be loved by everyone. The world doesn’t end if we are rejected. - Leo Buscaglia

Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life. - Unknown

Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a gain tree in the midst of them all. - Buddha

Living the dream isn’t about amassing wealth or going on fancy trips. It’s about sharing what’s alive in your heart with the world. - Molly Hahn

Every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. - Maya Angelou

If you can’t figure out where you stand with someone, it might be time to stop standing and start walking. - Unknown

If your presence can’t add value to my life, your absence will make no difference. - Unknown

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. - Unknown

Hunger is the best sauce in the world. - Miguel de Cervantes

The hour which gives us life begins to take it away. - Seneca

A humble birth is no hindrance to greatness. - David McKay

Where hope grows, miracles bloom. - Elna Rae

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