Wednesday 17 June 2020

Wednesday Walk

From the child's first faltering step across the homely carpet, to the astronaut's "one giant stride for mankind" over the alien moon dust, walking is the simplest but most glorious declaration of human independence. - Duncan Minshull


The advantage of walking over jogging is that you get to observe your surroundings. When jogging, you have to keep the momentum, you have to keep going. Walking gives you more flexibility. You can stop to smell the roses - literally, or you can stop to observe a scene, take pictures, or even to chat to fellow walkers. You can walk at a leisurely pace, or you can brisk walk.

Here are some pictures I snapped on my walks.

This is a disused railway track. Part of the track runs parallel to my walk route. Every now and then, I take a walk here, for a change.

There is a temple nearby. I believe these chickens belong to them. They went fluttering off when they see me approaching.

The track looks unkempt with weeds and whatever grows on a neglected grass patch. They are usually trimmed quite regularly, but due to the Covid-19, this non-essential activity is shelved, for the time being. However, due to the weeds growing wild, there is now an abundance of colours. Weeds bloomed, and there are more butterflies, dragonflies, and grasshoppers. A very pleasant change.

I have no idea what tree is this. It seems to be in bloom.

Thank you for joining me on my walk.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BlOGGER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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