Wednesday 15 July 2020

All Walking is Discovery

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. - John Muir


Singapore is in the tropics. So, all year round, the greenery is there, and flowers of one variety or another bloom throughout the year. Here are some pictures I took on my walks.

Dogs need to go out for a walk too.

A picture of a Spider Lily flower under a tree. What is unusual about this picture is that Spider Lilies are usually planted manually, in beds. One rarely sees them growing in the wild. This one seem quite happy where it is and is looking very healthy too.

A bed of Spider Lilies.

A Jasmine bush. When they bloom, the atmosphere is filled with a beautiful scent, especially in the evenings or early mornings.

A hibiscus bush.

I am not sure about these.

Firecracker plants, or Firecracker flowers.

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