Wednesday 18 March 2020

Laughter Amid Uncertain Times

These are uncertain times. So much depressing news everywhere. The Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire across the globe, claiming many lives along the way. The numbers are adding up very quickly. Towns, cities and whole countries are on lockdown. How did it get so bad so quickly? It is surreal, like a scene out of Stephen King's novel, or a horror movie.

No doubt, these will all pass, and all will be well again. Meanwhile, if you are having problems keeping cheerful, here are some memes/jokes/humour to help lift your spirit, even if for a moment. Afterall, with the virus raging around you, one way of protecting yourself is to boost your immune system. And what better way than a strong sense of humour.

Life has to go on despite all the unpleasantness. We just have to be a bit more mindful and vigilant. Keep in mind to wash your hands regularly. Keep them away from your face, and keep your hands to yourself as much as possible. Keep away from crowded places. Stay home for the time being unless you have urgent errands to run. Apply these common sense steps, and you should be safe from the virus. The virus is contagious, but not deadly - unless you have a weak immune system. Just relax, take care and keep well. May the virus run its course soon.

The following memes/jokes/humour are from all over the web and whatsapp messages from friends and family. Enjoy them.

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