Thursday 1 October 2020

Mid-Autumn Festival

Today is the Mid-Autumn festival, also known as the Mooncake Festival and the Lantern Festival.

Celebrations of the Mid-Autumn include Chinese cultural dance, and instrumental performances, solving of riddles, poems reading, lantern displays, lantern making competition, eating mooncakes... 

This year, due to the Covid-19, all celebrations are muted. Some organizations move the celebrations online, while others – the bigger outdoor events are cancelled.

Apart from Chinatown, the biggest display of lanterns can be found in the Gardens by the Bay and the Chinese Gardens.

Yesterday, I went to the Gardens by the Bay to see what’s happening there. They were not as busy as last year, obviously, but there were still a fair amount of  people about.  Here are some photos I took. 

The Apricot Grove

The Apricot Grove, which features apricot flowers at various stages of blooming, enhanced with gobo lighting effect to simulate falling flower petals, is inspired by the Chinese fable of Dong Feng “董奉”, who is a skilled and generous medical practitioner from the Three Kingdoms period ”三国时代”. - Gardens by the Bay

Water Song

Inspired by the famous poem 《水调歌头·明月几时有》, this set features five framed scenes, expressing the poet Su Shi’s (苏轼) deep longing for his family as he contemplates the beauty of the moon during Mid-Autumn. 

Colonnade of lights 

The Colonnade of Lights is a vibrant showcase of some 1,500 beautiful paper lanterns painted by the community as well as Gardens by the Bay’s senior workers. Take a stroll along the Colonnade and in the Flower Dome as you admire these colourful lanterns designed and hand-painted by people from various walks of life.

Illuminations of Joy

A community lantern installation featuring brightly-coloured, animal-shape designs inspired by traditional cellophane lanterns of yesteryear.

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