Sunday 6 November 2022

Kukup Trip - Last Instalment

Rounding up my report on my recent trip to Kukup fishing village.
In between meals at the resort, while some of my mates opted to go for a massage, the rest of us decided to explore the area to see what the fishing village was like.
There are no roads in the village. This is a foot path, and one of the more decent ones that we came across. Villagers go about in motorcycles, bicycles or three wheelers which some called a tuk-tuk. All cars have to be parked in the car park before the village.
This is an example of what most of the smaller, or ‘non-main’ footpaths are like. You will notice from the photos that guardrails are not commonly seen – which prompted the question – do people fall into the sea? I am sure all the residents must have fallen into the sea at least once in his or her lifetime, especially when they were young. Or some drunken tourists might have misstep, or lost their footing. I am intrigued by the most inconsequential of things. I wished I had asked the people who run the chalet we stayed at.
A restaurant. The dining section is inside with a view of the sea. In the front, they sell locally produced stuff - mostly dried seafood.
A shop selling local produce.
This is a kelong – an offshore wooden platform, where fishermen fish and farm fishes. They usually have simple accommodation so that fishermen can stay the night to keep an eye on the kelong, and to shelter them from the elements.
When it is low tide, you see a lot of debris washed by the tide. It is quite unsightly. You also have to bear with the stench, especially when it is hot. The stench takes some getting used to.
Residences – some are in better shape than others.
This is the edge of the village. The yellow building at the center left is the ferry terminal. It is not a very big one. I imagine it deals with ferry and fishing boats from neighboring domestic states.

Boats are harboured here, and fishes are farmed here too.

This looks uninhabitable and seems like it might tumble into the sea anytime. But as you see, there are clothes hanging in there. So it is still being used. Probably by squatters, or illegal immigrants.
Kukup is certainly a very interesting place. I had a great weekend there. There are not many places like this in the world.

You can have a look at my other posts on my weekend in Kukup 👉 HERE 👉 HERE and 👉 HERE if you are interested. A boat ride to the kelong was included in the trip. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to visit the kelong. Just a cursory glance at the kelong from afar. Here’s a video one of my mates recorded of the ride - a small part of it anyway.

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