Tuesday 20 January 2015

Quote Worthy

To try and fail, then try again and fail again, they’ll call  you stubborn. To try and fail, then try again and succeed, they’ll call you determined. While they’re busy calling you names, you’re busy improving. - Doza

It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them. - Leo Buscaglia 

Cry as much as you want to, but make sure when you’re finished, you never cry for the same reason again. - Wiz Khalifa

If you are in a bad situation, do not worry, it will change. If you are in a good situation, do not worry it will change. - Unknown

Every encounter, every misstep, every second of our day contains something that serves a purpose. - Panache Desai

Having a soulmate is not always about romance. You can find your soulmate in a friendship too. - Unknown 

Sometimes, not saying anything is the best answer. You see, silence can never misquoted. - Unknown 

If you don’t understand my silence, how will you understand my words? - Unknown 

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. - Steve Jobs

Sometimes we just need to change our perspective. - Unknown 

No man is demolished but by himself. - Richard Bently

Enquire not what boils in another’s pot. - Thomas Fuller

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