Friday 18 September 2020

Truisms - Words to Live By

The beauty of Aphorisms is that they are usually fairly simple in words and meaning. However, behind the simple words, and sentences are profound truisms. Unfortunately, it is easy to read the words without really understanding the more profound meaning they convey, missing the point of these ageless aphorisms. To read and understand aphorisms is not enough, we must also be able to draw parallels and apply them to our life situations. That’s where the usefulness  of aphorisms lie; that’s where we find the profound lessons of aphorisms.

The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over. - Unknown

There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory. - Sir Francis Drake

It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness. - Eleanor Roosevelt

If moral behavior were simply following rules, we could program a computer to be moral. - Samuel P. Ginder

Good times become good memories. Bad times become good lessons. - Unknown

They understand but a little who understand only what can be explained. - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help. - Judith S. Martin

The height of stupidity is most clearly demonstrated by the individual who ridicules something he knows nothing about. - Albert Einstein

Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself. - William Shakespeare

The loss which is unknown is no loss at all. - Publilius Syrus

He that giveth away his treasure wisely, giveth away his plagues: he that retaineth their increase, heapeth up sorrow. - Akhnaton

It is difficult to see the picture when you are inside the frame. - Unknown

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