Thursday 11 March 2021

Just Another Day

A good day is when you learned something, and you had a laugh.

It was a beautiful day.

Here's a thought for the day.

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And here's a joke for you

Time To Swear

A seven year old and a four year old are upstairs in their bedroom.
“You know what?” says the seven year old. “I think it’s about time we start swearing.”
The four year old nods his head in approval.
“When we go downstairs for breakfast, I’m gonna swear first, then you swear after me, OK?”
“OK.” The four year old agrees with enthusiasm.
The mother walks into the kitchen and asks the seven year old what he wants for breakfast.
“Oh, shit mum, I guess I’ll have some Coco Pops.”
Whack! He flew out of his chair, tumbled across the kitchen floor, got up and ran upstairs crying his eyes out.
She looked at the four year old and asked with a stern voice, “And what do YOU want for breakfast, young man!?”
“I don’t know,” he blubbers, “but you can bet your f*ckin’ ass it won’t be Coco Pops.”

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These coloured leaves look like flowers from afar. They are actually young leaves and they will turn green as they mature.

You learned something today, and you had a laugh (hopefully). So, you must be having a good day!

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