Wednesday 9 June 2021

Amenities On My Walk Route

My walk route is part of the island's Park Connector. The Park Connector, as the name implies, connects all the parks in Singapore. The idea is to allow citizens to have seamless access to all the parks along the route. You can walk, jog, rollerblade, or ride your bicycle along the route and enjoy the scenery along the route.

For the route to be enticing, there have to be amenities along the route. The following are some of the amenities on my route.

Benches. There are many of these.

A toilet. There is also a vending machine - selling only 'healthy', and sports drinks.
There is also a water point.
Workout stations.
Another water point.
A recently completed underpass.
And a recently completed overhead bridge - all for the convenience of the users of the park connectors.
'Fury' tropical rain clouds. Sometimes, they are all bark and no bites. They looked like they might unload the water they are carrying, but sometimes, they just went on their way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have a great day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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