Sunday 20 June 2021

Asters Flowers

Aster is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are widely referred to as "asters", or "Michaelmas daisies", because of their typical blooming period.

Aster are star-like flowers. The word "aster" means "star" in Greek, referring to the appearance of some family members, as a "star" surrounded by "rays". The cluster of flowers that may appear to be a single flower, is called a head. Many species and a variety of hybrids and varieties are popular as garden plants because of their attractive and colourful flowers.

Perennial Asters come in many colours, from white, through the pink shades, mauves, almost blues, and on to purple. Some varieties of the English daisy have double flowers; others may have pink or red ray flowers surrounding the bright yellow disk.

"In plants of the family Asteraceae, what appears to be a single flower is actually a cluster of much smaller flowers. The overall appearance of the cluster, as a single flower, functions in attracting pollinators in the same way as the structure of an individual flower in some other plant families. The older family name, Compositae, comes from the fact that what appears to be a single flower is actually a composite of smaller flowers. The "petals" or "sunrays" in a sunflower head are actually individual strap-shaped flowers called ray flowers, and the "sun disk" is made of smaller circular shaped individual flowers called disc flowers." - Wikipedia

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