Saturday 7 May 2022

Batoko Plum Tree

It looks like the Batoko plum are in season again. The fruits appear a few times a year. I know because there are many of these trees along my walk route.

I used to call them fake maraschino cherries because they look like maraschino cherries without the stalk. Later on, I found out from the National Parks website that they are called Flacourtia inermis, or known commonly as lovi-lovi, or Batoko Plum.

According to information from the site, they are rich in Vitamin C and Antioxidants. They are edible in that they are not poisonous. But they are too sour and too acidic to be really edible. I have tried them, after a fellow walker told me that they are edible. I guess that is why the birds leave them alone to ripen. However, they are good for making chutneys and jams.

A young Batoko tree. They don’t grow very tall.

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