Tuesday 10 May 2022


This pagoda was on display at a flower show recently.
According to the Marriam-Webster dictionary, pagoda is defined as : "A tower in eastern Asia usually with roofs curving upward at the division of each of several stories and erected as a temple or memorial."

Here is a more detailed information from the signboard at the Display.

“A pagoda is a tiered tower structure that symbolises sacred mountains. They were originally built to house relics or the remains of royalty and saints. The origin of a pagoda can be traced to the stupa, a dome-shaped monument, used to house Buddhist relics and saints. Overtime, the stupa evolved to take on various forms in different parts of Asia. In East Asia, the design of Chinese pagodas is inspired by the integration of Chinese towers and pavilions and has since become an important part of Chinese architecture. In Southeast Asia, numerous pagodas have been built as Chinese culture has spread through the ages.”

Pagodas are traditionally built with an odd number of levels.

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