Friday 13 May 2022

Mushrooms After The Rain

Mushrooms have a tendency to sprout up overnight, after a heavy downfall. This is because mushrooms need a lot of water to sprout and grow. Prior to this, mushroom spores lay dormant in the ground hiding in the soil, or bark mulch waiting for conditions that are just right. As quickly as they sprout up, mushrooms can also rot within a day.

The following mushrooms appeared along my walk route one day. These are wild mushrooms, and they are poisonous. So, they are not edible. Since they are poisonous, it is advisable not to handle them with bare hands because spores might stick to your hands and somehow get into your body.

If you are walking your dog, keep them away from the mushrooms. They might have the urge to sniff the mushrooms, and spores entering their system might make them sick.

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