Friday 9 February 2024

Chinese New Year Night Bazaar

Today is the Eve of Chinese New Year.
With Chinese New Year, literally around the corner, needless to say, Chinatown is buzzing with people and activities. One of the annual events is the night bazaar whereby you find stalls selling Chinese new year goodies like tit-bits – sweets and cookies, while others sell Chinese new year decorations, and stuff related to Chinese new year celebrations.

The month-long bazaar ends on the Eve of Chinese new year. If you have time to go down on the Eve, you are in for lots of cheap bargains. Most of the goods will have no value after the new year. Hence, stall owners are more than willing to ‘half sell, half give away’. In some cases, you could buy one and get two for free. This would save the stall holders the trouble of having to dispose of the goods.

There will also be live stage performances and the counting down to the new year. So, Chinatown will be absolutely packed with people.

I didn’t need to buy anything. But, last week, I thought I would go down to have a look to see what the atmosphere was like this year. It was as I expected, the crowds were back. It wasn’t too bad in the early evening. However, at about 9pm, the bazaar was really busy. Locals and tourists alike were out in throngs tasting the sweets, and cookies, buying only when they were happy with them. The atmosphere was certainly there.

Some photos from my visit. This was early evening. The crowd wasn't too bad.

Later on in the evening.
This restaurant in the street corner was doing brisk business.
Next year is the Year of the Dagon. So there is this huge 'Dragon lantern' as the center piece.

You can click on the picture for a better view.

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