Monday 26 February 2024

Cheeky Humour

Laughter is cheap medicine. When possible, where possible, laugh. It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years.

Take a look at today’s selection of Humour. Remember the ones you like best, and go spread some laughter around. No one will ever has enough laughter, or complain that they have laughed too much.

May your week ahead be filled with joy and laughter.

When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?” It is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway. - Erma Bombeck

Research has shown that laughing for 2 minutes is just as healthy as a 20-minute jog. So, now I’m sitting in the park laughing at all the joggers. - Unknown

If loving someone is putting them in a straitjacket and kicking them down a flight of stairs, then yes, I have loved a few people. - Jarod Kintz

It took man thousands of years to put words down on paper, and his lawyers still wish he wouldn’t. - Mignon Mclaughlin

My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn’t pay the bill he gave me six months more. - Walter Matthau

Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. - Marston Bates

Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once. - Unknown

If you could read my mind you’d back away slowly then run for your life. - Unknown

Whatever is not nailed down is mine. What I can pry loose is not nailed down. - Collis P. Huntingdon

It’s silly for a woman to go to a male gynaecologist. It’s like going to an auto mechanic who never owned a car. - Carrie Snow

Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody. - Henry Wadworth Longfellow

Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You’ll realize this as soon as they’re born, and they start using sleep deprivation to break you. - Ray Romano

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