Tuesday 19 January 2021

Life's Little Lessons

Don’t be mistaken that studying is for children, and in school only. As long as there is still something to learn, we are all students, and this will mean all our lives. In school, we were taught the basics of an education. It is after we leave school, when we are start working in the society – that’s where real learning about life starts.

Aphorisms, proverbs, maxims... teach the best life lessons. These are accumulated wisdom of the ages, teachings of the sages, gurus, philosophers and people who had experienced and understood what life is about. They are valuable lessons.

Take an interest in aphorisms. These simple phrases of a few easy to understand words, often have much truth in them. Learn from them and you will understand life a little better. You might get a head start in life, and avoid some common, but costly mistakes people make on their journeys in life.

Have a look at today’s selection of aphorisms, and quotes.

You will learn more about a road by travelling it than by consulting all the maps in the world. - Unknown

Learn to value everything. For instance, the candle is useless when you have the light bulb. But it becomes precious when electricity is suddenly cut off. - Unknown

The quality of our expectations determines the quality of our actions. - Andre Godin

Let go of what’s gone, be grateful for what remains and look forward to what’s coming. - Unknown

Nothing is cheap which is superfluous, for what one does not need, is dear at a penny. - Plutarch

You are only a trustee of things you own in this life. When you leave, everything is given back. - Unknown

Seek not to know what must not be reveal, for joy only flows where fate is most concealed. - John Dryden

Vessels large may venture more, but little boats should keep near shore. - Benjamin Franklin

Truth and sincerity have a certain distinguishing native lustre about them which cannot be perfectly counterfeited. - Benjamin Franklin

When house and land are gone and spent, then learning is most excellent. - Unknown

The less you have, the more precious what you have is. - Unknown

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. - Oprah Winfrey

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