Monday 6 September 2021

Letting Go

"Letting go is like pulling out a tooth. When it was pulled out, you’re relieved, but how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a time. Just because it was not hurting you doesn’t mean you did not notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. It’s going to take a while, but it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, because it was causing you so much pain. Therefore, move on and let go." - Unknown

Why is it so difficult to let go?

Letting go is difficult because there is attachment. If there is no attachment, it will be easy to let go – be it a relationship, person or thing. But once you are emotionally attached to that thing or person, or even the situation, letting go is hard. Even when you know that it is better to let go, you sometimes hang on hoping that things will change or improve.

But how long are you willing to hang on to the unpleasantness in your life? Is it worth hanging on, or is it better that you let go and move on? That is the question you have to ask yourself, and a question only you can answer. At some point, a decision has to be made.

Learn to let go. Better things may be waiting for you down the road. But if you do not let go of whatever it is you are hanging on to, you might not get to enjoy it. There is a time to let go, and a time to hang on. Knowing when to let go and when to hang on is key to a happy life.

Sometimes people are reluctant to let go because change is uncomfortable. The rut – if you had been in there long enough feels more comfortable, than the uncertainty of change. You have to be brave, and embrace change. Don’t wait until change is forced upon you. It would be even more unsettling. Whereas if you are willing to change, you can plan and you will have time to adapt.

There is a time and season for all things. Nothing lasts forever. So, be brave! When it is not fun any more, when the time to move on has come, let go and move on. Better times and better things are ahead – waiting for you, surely!

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