Friday 3 September 2021


They say a goal properly set is halfway reached. Hence, when setting a goal, you have to give it some serious thoughts. You have to be clear about your objective. No point setting a goal you are unlikely to reach. Or setting a goal so easy to reach, it isn’t worth mentioning.

Goals have to be realistic. They must be practical and achievable. They must be meaningful, or desirable - something which you are passionate about, so that you will pursue them with enthusiasm. Goals that are clearly set and properly defined have a better chance at success.

If your goal is long ranged, break them down into smaller goals. This way, the ultimate goal will not look too unreachable. Set about to reach each goal. When you reach the first goal, reach out for the second goal, and then the third. In this way, you will ultimately reach the final goal.

This breaking down into smaller goals will help you to stay focussed. There are stops along the way. Upon reaching them, you can stop for a while and have a rest, if you like, or you can proceed with the next goal. Achieving each smaller goal will help to motivate you while you strive towards the final goal.

Of course, not all goals are realized. That is all right. Don’t be despondent. The important thing is you tried and you did your best. Sometimes, all it means is that this is not an area where you excel in. But at least you tried, and hopefully, you had fun and learned something from the process. That is why, when choosing your goal, make sure that it is something you enjoy doing.

While working towards your goal, you have to periodically check your progress. Sometimes, the goal may be a bit more difficult than you thought. You might need a bit more time. In that case, you will have to alter your plan a bit, to give yourself more time. The goal is just a guide. Feel free to alter the goal as and when there is a need to. It is all right, as long as you keep the ultimate goal in mind, and not give up just because you encounter a little hiccup on the way.

Set yourself a time frame for completion of your goal, but let there be allowances. This is in case of unforeseen circumstances or difficulties that may arise. At the same time, don’t set an open end time frame for your goal. That is not goal setting at all.

Having achieved one goal, you can plan and decide your next goal. Goals give you purpose in life. Achieving your goals is satisfying, and it boosts confidence in yourself.

Decide what you are passionate about and then go about setting your goals to achieve them.

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