Wednesday 10 April 2024

Chrysanthemums II

Chrysanthemums are available in a wide variety of shades. Their colours range from the traditional yellow, red, white and purple, to other less common hues like pink, lavender, and even multi-colours. They also come in many different flower forms like:

Single – Daisy-like single blooms
Decorative – Blooms flat on the back, slightly convex on he top, dense petals.
Pompom – small, dense blooms, grow in masses
Anemone – Single of double blooms with large centres
Quill – Thin, Tube-like petals

Here are more photos of the lovely chrysanthemum blooms that were on display. With the help of the signs at the display, I was able to put a name to them.

Chrysanthemum crystal lime

Chrysanthemum homerun yellow
Chrysanthemum custurd
Chrysanthemum crystal pink
Chrysanthemum flash expression
Chrysanthemum kudamono
Chrysanthemum homerun orange
Chrysanthemum splash dark
Chrysanthemum lilo
Chrysanthemum splash meadow
Chrysanthemum cosmo white
Chrysanthemum rainbow circus
Chrysanthemum vanya white

You can click on the picture for a better view.

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