Monday 11 May 2020

The Beauty of Proverbs, Axioms, Maxims....

The beauty of proverbs, amioms, maxims.... is that within the few short and simple words, there is a huge amount of wisdom, carried down through the generations, some through centuries. Some might sound cliché, but they are also deep truth (as clichés tend to be).

Keep a few of these proverbs/maxims/axioms in mind, and pepper them in your conversations to impress your friends with your wisdom.

On the pinnacle of success man does not stand firm long. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

None are as empty as those who are full of themselves. - Benjamin Whichcote

It is hard to say common things in an original way. - Horace

No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking. - Voltaire

It is no profit to have learned well, if you neglect to do well. - Publilius Syrus

Better to wear out than rust out. - Unknown

As was his language so was his life. - Seneca

It is the superfluous things for which men sweat. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow. - Aesop

One good head is better than a hundred strong hands. - Unknown

The keen spirit seizes the prompt occasion. - Unknown

A fair exterior is a silent recommendation. - Publilius Syrus

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Blogger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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