Friday 15 May 2020

A Bit of Gardening

Recently my beloved Orchid plant bloomed. The bloom lasted for two months. I hadn’t realized Orchid flowers can last so long.

Not long after the flowers fell off, the plant grew a new shoot. I was very pleased to see that.

It was a healthy shoot and it grew very quickly.

Unfortunately, space was a little tight as it struggled to grow between two other older plants. Something has to be done. I considered transplanting it, but I didn’t want to risk killing it in the process.

So, the only option was to snip off one of the other plant/stem.

That worked. The new shoot was very happy with the extra space, and it grew quite a bit in the space of a few days.

Hopefully, there will be another bloom like the previous one before too long.

Right, I did say it was a bit of gardening.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Blogger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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