Tuesday 16 February 2021

Ginkgo Nuts

Ginkgo nuts are very popular ingredients in Chinese desserts. The most popular of the lot is Ginkgo nuts with bean curd skin, and barley soup. They are nice, refreshing and nutritious. You can also add ginkgo nuts in your cognee.

Ginkgo nuts soup is a common item in our household during the Chinese New Year. There are de-shelled, cooked ginkgo nuts in the supermarket, but since we were cooking a pot of them, it is much cheaper to prepare them ourselves.

De-shelling the ginkgo nuts. Give the shells a light tap. Break open the shells and remove the ginkgo nuts.

Boil the ginkgo nuts for a couple of minutes. After that, drain the water, and leave it to cool. When they are cooled, remove the skin of the nuts.

The next process is removing the core of the nut. They are bitter and will spoil the taste of the ginkgo nuts.

After removing the core, add sugar to taste, add some red dates, and logan (optional) and boil it for a couple of minutes. And it is ready to serve - Ginkgo nuts soup with red dates, dried longan. Some marinate the ginkgo nuts in sugar, and only add a little water to it when they are served.

Ginkgo nuts soup with red dates, dried longan.

Recently, I read that Ginkgo nuts are poisonous and they shouldn't be given to children. Adults should not eat more than 40 a day. They didn't say why it is poisonous though.

We were blissfully unaware of that, and we ate as and when we like throughout the day without counting them. Maybe they were talking of a different variety. Anyway, to be on the safe side, try not to eat more than 40 ginkgo nuts a day.

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