Thursday 25 February 2021

Truisms - Words To Live By

An aphorism is a truism expressed in a concise and witty manner. Aphorisms teach a philosophical or moral truth which is relevant to our experiences in life. The relevance is what makes them fascinating and interesting.

The right aphorism at the right time, at the right place can change a person’s point of view, or in some cases, a person’s life. It is like a key opening the lock to a recess of the mind which we did not know existed.

Take an interest in aphorisms. Understand what they are saying and learn the underlying lesson/lessons in them.

You can’t lose what you never had, you can’t keep what’s not yours and you can’t hold on to something that doesn’t want to stay. - Unknown

Quit worrying about how everything is going to turn out. Live one day at a time; better yet, make the most of this moment. - Joel Osteen

Doubt comes in at the window when inquiry is denied at the door. - Benjamin Jowett

Faith is like a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark. - Scandinavian Proverb

The education of a man is never completed until he dies. - Robert E. Lee

Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world; she never wastes anything; she undergoes change, but there’s no annihilation – the essence remains. - Thomas Binney

Thoughts lead to acts, acts lead to habits, habits lead to character – and our character will determine our eternal destiny. - Ezra Taft Benson

To gain what is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else. - Bernadette Devlin

Though one should conquer a million men in battlefield, yet indeed he is the noblest victor who has conquered himself. - The Buddha

Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. - Lord Chesterfield

Usefulness is not impaired by imperfection. You can still drink from a chipped cup. - Greta K. Nagel

Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time. No one learns more about a problem than the person at the bottom. - Unknown

Even when you are angry, think before you talk. The words you say can only be forgiven, not forgotten. - Unknown

Life is not all about money. Some of the poorest people are the happiest people you can meet. - Unknown

One day you will realize that material thing means nothing. All that matters is the well being of the people in your life. - Unknown

Whenever we’re afraid, it’s because we don’t know enough. If we understood enough, we would never be afraid. - Earl Nightingale

Have a great day!

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