Tuesday 8 February 2022


“Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” - Hans Christian Anderson

More Dahlias from the ‘Dahlia Dreams’ Exhibition. I did a post on that a couple of days ago. Have a look 👉 HERE if you are interested.

According to Wikipedia, the dahlia was declared the national flower of Mexico in 1963.

There are so many hybrids of Dahlias. Sometimes, it is difficult to tell which is which.

Here are some which I managed to get the names of.

Dahlia Akita Princess

Dahlia Dutch Explosion
Dahlia Weston Spanish Dancer. This looks very much like the Dahlia Dutch Explosion.
Dahlia Purple Fairy
Dahlia Onesta
Dahlia Neo Rot
Dahlia Salmon Runner
Dahlia Sunlady
Dahlia Electric Flash
Dahlia Chat Noir
Dahlia Berner Oberland
Dahlia Rothesay Reveller
Dahlia Red Pygmy
Dahlia Parkfreude

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