Friday 11 February 2022

More Dahlias

“Flowers have a mysterious and subtle influence upon the feelings, not unlike some strains of music. They relax the tenseness of the mind. They dissolve its rigor.” - Henry Ward Beecher

This will be the last post on Dahlias from the ‘Dahlia Dreams’ Exhibition. I did a couple of posts on that this week. Have a look if you are interested. 👉 HERE and 👉 HERE

The dahlia was declared the national flower of Mexico in 1963 - according to Wikipedia.

The following information about Dahlias was from a signboard at the exhibitions.

“The Aztecs grew Dahlia tubers as a food crop, and even used them to treat epilepsy. After it was introduced to Europe in 1789, the name Dahlia was given to the flower in hour of Andreas Dahl, an eminent Swedish botanist.”

I learned of some of the names of the Dahlias from the signboards at the exhibition.

Dahlia Park Record

Dahlia Glurhwum
Dahlia Pembroke Levenna
Dahlia Wigo Super
Unfortunately, I don’t know the names of the rest.
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