Sunday 11 December 2022


Mushroom spores lay dormant in the ground hiding in the soil, or bark mulch waiting for conditions that are just right. One of the conditions is lots of water. That is why they sprout up overnight after a heavy rainfall. They need a lot of water to sprout and grow.

I am always amazed and amused to find mushrooms along my walk route. There were none there one day and the next day there were clusters of them. How fast they grew overnight.

As children, we like to go about plucking them – not realizing that they are poisonous. The spores that stuck to our hands could have gotten into our body, and we could have fallen sick. Luckily, nothing serious ever came out of our innocently playing with them.

Mushrooms are sometimes called toadstools. Although there are differences between mushrooms and toadstools, the terms are often used interchangeably.

If you wish to know about the differences between mushrooms and toadstools, you can have a look at this site 👉 HERE

Here are some pictures of mushrooms along my walk route. I think these are at lease a day old.

These are probably a couple of days old.

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