Wednesday 14 December 2022

Out And About

Some photographs from a walk in an area where I haven’t been for a while. It brought back memories of the time when I worked and attended a course in the area.

The buildings are still there – the mall, office buildings and hotels. All of them had undergone some renovation. Most of the hotels have changed their names. A sign of the changing times, I guess.

I had a feeling of nostalgia revisiting the area. Here are some photos from that evening.

The brown building across the road is a recently finished train station. The station is already in operation but the construction on the surrounding is still going on.

Bollards on the kerbs of the road.
The sun has just set.
This used to be a police station. It underwent a major renovation and facelift, and is now the Interpol Global Complex For Innovation.
A building next to the Interpol Complex with a couple of restaurants and a supermarket.
More restaurants further down the road.
A couple of sculptures along the road.
A Japanese restaurant.
A hotel.
This looks like the scupture of a dove, a part of the festive decor.
A shopping mall with Christmas decorations.

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