Saturday 24 August 2024


We all want to know the truth. Sometimes, we demand to know the truth. But the truth can sometimes hurt. And when that happens, we regret knowing the truth. We wished we would never know the truth. Perhaps that is why they say ignorance is bliss.

Sometimes, it is true that what we do not know does not hurt us. The truth might set you free, but it might just make you miserable first. If that were so, would you still want to know the truth?

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t. - Mark Twain

A lie has speed, but truth has endurance. - Edgar J. Mohn

A truth that disheartens because it is true is of more value than the most stimulating of falsehoods. - Maurice Maeterlinck

Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it. - Thomas Cooper

Never assume the obvious is true. - William Safir

Piety requires us to honour truth above our friends. - Aristotle

Truth is always hidden like a shadow in darkness. - Unknown

The truth that is suppressed by friends is the readiest weapon of the enemy. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Telling the truth is like taking herbs in lieu of drugs. It does not taste well or cure fast, but it works better in the long term and gives fewer side effects to the patient. - Unknown

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