Wednesday 1 April 2020

Caught in the Rain

It was beautiful weather when I started out on my walk - a bit cloudy, but that's normal here in the Tropics.

These are government housing flats. About 80 percent of Singaporeans live in these housing flats. There are some for rental, but most are sold to the citizens for 99 years.

More flats along the walk trail.

It got very cloudy and the clouds were getting darker by the minute.

This is the end point of my walk. This is where I turn around on my walks.

This was what I saw when I turned around. See how quickly the sky turned. I knew then that I was not going to make it back in time. Still, I quickened my steps, hoping to make it back home before it rains.

No such luck. It started to rain when I was a quarter of the way from home. Luckily, there was shelter under the flyover of an expressway.

There were some construction work going on beside the fly over. Quite a scene here. There was rain, dark clouds, and there was the sun. And as if to show that all is well, there was a rainbow.

Luckily, it was a passing shower. It lasted about 15 minutes, and I was on my way home.

When you are waiting for the rain to stop, what do you do? Take a video of the rain of course.


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