Wednesday 15 April 2020

Wednesday Walk

We begin week two of our lockdown. Luckily, it is not a complete lockdown. Essential shops and services are still open. And we can still go out for a quick walk in the park, or take a walk on our usual route. Of course, there are a few rules we have to keep in mind, or we might find our wallets SGD$300 lighter.

We have to maintain social distancing. We cannot meet with friends, or socialize with fellow walkers, or joggers. We take our walks, and go home immediately afterwards. We have to wear a mask once we are outside the house, but when we are jogging, we can take it off. I guess it is impractical to be wearing a mask while jogging. Besides, if you can still jog, chances are you are still fit and healthy. However, after jogging, the mask goes back on.

So, off I went on my daily walk on my walk route, wearing a mask this time.

The bridge is the end of my 6km walk. This is where I turn around on my walk. Sometimes, like this day, I will cross over to the other side to walk back from there.

This picture was taken from the bridge. It was cloudy and grey, and it looked like it was going to rain. But not on this occasion. On the bottom right corner is an industrial estate. There are factories, warehouses and showrooms.

The following pictures are views from the other side of the canal. The buildings you see on the right hand side are housing flats. About 80 percent of Singaporeans live in these flats. We buy them from the government at a heavily subsidized price. It is ours for 99 years, after which they will be returned to the government. There are also rental flats for those who can’t afford to buy one, and for people who choose not to buy one.

This is at the halfway point looking back towards the bridge, although the bridge is not in the picture. Actually, there are altogether three bridges on the route. You might be confused which bridge I am talking about, but it doesn’t really matter.

Same position from the picture above, but this time looking towards home.

Sometimes, if there was a downpour the day before, one will see these mushrooms, or what some called toadstools along the way.

It was a pleasant walk - as always!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Blogger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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