Tuesday 7 April 2020

Reusable Mask

The world is a dangerous place, and there is no danger like present danger, with the Coronavirus still spreading like wild fire.

Initially, we were told that we don’t have to wear a mask if we are healthy – only those who are sick need to wear a mask so that they don’t spread the virus to people around them. However, it has now been ascertained that there are asymptomatic carriers – people who carry the virus but do not show signs of infections, and that the virus can be air borne for hours. So, now we are advised to wear a mask when we go out so that we do not catch the virus from the asymptomatic carriers, or in case we are asymptomatic carriers, we would not be spreading the virus.

I suspect that there might be another reason why we were told that we do not have to wear a mask initially. I think there might have been a shortage of masks to go round. When the pandemic first started, masks and hand sanitizers were flying off the shelves. There were long queues for these two items. But the front line service staff needed them more, so the masks may have been reserved for them.

Anyway, the government here is now issuing reusable masks to everyone, and it is to be our ‘personal mask’. They are make of cloth, quite thick too – the obvious reason being for better protection. But there are complaints that it is difficult to breath through them. I don't know how effective a cloth mask is, but I guess it is better than nothing.

People have been advised to stay at home, and not to go out unless very necessary. However, people are still talking about gathering, and going to house parties. People should remember that it is not only for their sake, but also for their loved ones’ sake, that they not picked up the virus. It might be ‘a little flu’ to them, but if they should pass it on to their older folks, the older folks might not be so lucky – especially those with pre-existing health conditions.

People need to understand that even if they are not fearful, the better they cooperate, and help get the virus under control, or eliminated, the sooner they can go back to living their lives. There have been too much disruption already.

I think part of the reason people are still complacent about the Coronavirus could be that there are no visual outward infection signs like a wound or a blotch on the skin to show, where people can see. The fear factor is not there.

Or, if the virus is visible like in the following picture, then it surely make a difference.

Take care, keep well, and stay healthy.

Remember to:

Wash your hands regularly
Don’t go out unnecessarily, and if you have to go out, wear a mask

These simple steps will greatly reduce your chance of catching the virus

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1 comment:

World Virus Watch said...

Great Blog!! Stay safe and stay updated Corona virus tracker it will help you in getting real time data, so that you can be aware about current condition.