Sunday 12 April 2020

Memes and Trivia

It's Sunday! Normally, most of us will be out there doing something. But these are troubled days, and we are asked to 'Stay At Home'. Depending on where you are, we have been doing that between a week and five weeks or more. And who would have thought something as simple as staying at home could be driving some of us nuts. And yet, what else can we do? but try to maintain our sanity, and hope that the lockdown works, so that we can go back to some sort of normalcy soon.

All problems will be resolved one way or another eventually. But if we all play our part, we will have the Coronavirus under control sooner. All we have to do is to stay at home. It is as simple as that, or is it not?

One day, we will all have a good laugh when we look back at today. Meanwhile, don't brood, worry or be depressed. Get creative. Do something. Have some fun. The days will pass by easier. There are tons of stuff on social media of what people are doing or did to help them pass their time. Some of them are very funny, some of them are very creative.

Here are some memes and trivia. Have a look. I hope they bring on a chuckle or put a smile on your face. Share them if you like. After all, laughter translates into any language and is contagious (in a good way), and we could all use some laughter during these depressing times.

These memes are not mine. They are from friends through Whatsapp messages, or Facebook posts. Where possible, I have sourced them.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BLOGGER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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