Friday 4 December 2020

Robinsons Singapore

Another one bites the dust. Another victim of circumstances and of the times.

Robinsons Singapore, the oldest retail shop in Singapore is closing. They have around for 162 years. The decision came on the back of changing retail buying patterns, and weak demand, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Subject to confirmation, the liquidators are hoping the stores will remain open for the coming weeks to facilitate final sales for customers before they are shuttered."

I guess times are different now, and retailers need to move away from traditional business models to survive.

A few days ago, I was in the mall where Robinsons was the anchor tenant. So, I popped into Robinsons to have a look at what's left. It was a weekday, so there were not many people about. I think the main rush for the clearance sale is over. In days gone by, their annual sales is known by all as "The sale worth waiting for." That bit is history now. Kind of sad.

Anyway, since I was in the mall, I had a wander around and snapped some pictures.

Glass roof looking out.

Part of Robinsons floor tiles design.

Part of their wall designs.

P S Cafe. This was where I once had a double chocolate cake, with chocolate sauce. The memory is still fresh in my mind because the cake was so big, I couldn't finished it - despite my love for chocolate and cake.

Wine connection. A F&B chain that has wines at reasonable prices.

Sweets. Doughnuts, shortcakes and meringues.

Couldn't resist snapping at these beautiful orchids.

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