Wednesday 30 December 2020

The Eve of Eve of 2020

Two more days to the end of the 2020. It hasn’t been a very pleasant year for most people. We were plagued by the Covid-19 pandemic, make worst by people who think it is a harmless virus, and conspiracy theorists who think it is all a scam, a plot by the governments to control their citizens.

In countries where the virus is taken seriously, they were rewarded with being able to go back to some normalcy of their lives after a couple of months of precautionary measures. On the other hand, in countries where people think it is all a hoax, where people think it is their right to do as they pleased, there were surges after surges of infections.

This Covid-19 pandemic is world-wide. Viruses do not discriminate. Until the world get its act together collectively, we are all still at risk. The light at the end of the tunnel now is that vaccines have been developed and vaccination has started in some countries.

Although the effectiveness of the vaccines remained to be seen, all are hopeful that this will be the answer to stopping the virus in its tracks.

Covid-19 has claimed many lives in 2020. Livelihood is disrupted – plans are put on hold. Let’s hope that we can rebuilt and gain some sort of normalcy in our lives in 2021. It will definitely be a while before we can go back to the lives we were so used to. But rest assured, we will all get through it somehow. One day, when we look back on this episode, maybe we will all have a good laugh.

Meanwhile, wear a mask, if you value your life and don’t intend to catch the Covid-19 virus. Protect yourself, your loved ones and the people you associate with. Troublesome and inconvenient at the beginning, but, like all things, after a while, you will get used to it.

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